Recommended Books

The Cross Centered Life by C.J. Mahaney
This book was the best book for me when I was feeling unsure about my salvation and spiritual things in general. It is so focused on Jesus and the cross that I couldn't focus on myself, my sin, and failures that were making me feel inadequate, those feelings should humble me and make me think of Christ instead and what He did for me.

The Forgotten God by Francis Chan
I actually listened to this audio book, but I couldn't wait to get in the car so I could listen to it! It was amazing! Francis Chan does such a great job clearly communicating a lot of what I've felt about the Holy Spirit and also made amazing points that I had never seen before.

Lies Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free  by Nancy Leigh DeMoss
The group of women I meet with once a week were going though this book when I joined them this summer. This book is such a blessing, because it really does set you free from the lies about different things you believe (that you may not even be aware you are believing right now)! It uses real life struggles that women deal with and attack them head on with Biblical truth. It is organized in an easy to read, one lie at a time, structure. We also did the study guide which I would highly recommend as well!

Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney
Wes and I both highly recommend this book. It talks about different spiritual disciplines (Bible intake, prayer, fasting, worship, stewardship, etc.) in each chapter, it's great because it gives Biblical application and practical application to all topics. It is very convicting and encouraging at the same time, I know many other people who have been blessed by this book as well.